Starting, this first scene is one of many amazing adventures with my dear Han. She is a blessing, and as bright as every galaxy held in the hands of a 5 year old Audrey Hepburn. Yes, that is how special she is. Hope you followed that.
We LOVE to laugh.
Definately consumes most of time.
With the sun in our eyes, we feel unstoppable..We feel empowered,..We feel life.
Nothing like your life and hazel eyes. I am so thankful our eyes met and realized they need to be together.
Next on the list is my heartbeat- Con.

We understand each other. As the years pass me by, I have started realizing what it means to have someone that understands you. Someone that opens up and it means something, and listens with an open mind. Someone that knows how to grasp the concept of love. Con loves. She is ever so dear to this heart of mine. In the last photo above, I have to enlarge it a little, because even though she is older, wiser, and more talented, I feel this internal pulse, and it's telling me to protect her. No matter how many miles separate us, trust me it's a lot. I will protect her, call her, smile, and adore her none the less.
Hi. I miss you nonchalantly roaming school halls while holding 500 books that I couldn't understand if I tried---I miss that. Do you miss me? *laugh* Life is still moving, time- ticking. We should visit more- as you see in this picture above, your care. You always cared for me. Always helping me with a stubborn locker, agitated contact, or a lunch I forgot to bring. Thanks. You are beautiful, long hair and interesting eyes. Missing you- me.
Hello breathe of peace. Hello instant smile. Hello Bobby. Perfect timing for you to jog into my life..because you would jog. If the day is dreary and rain is drizzling from the sky, all I have to do is push play to your EP. Energy instantly streams through my blood creating a smile and unstoppable thankfulness. Our adventures have begun and I don't intend on them stopping ---- Well until we take over the world. Let's...Soon. I love our world. You are a constant inspiration and I thank God for you.

You, my dear..You, my midget of a friend, bubbliest person I have ever heard/laid eyes on. You, are amazing. No one is as special.. or vibrant. Please, let's run away. and ..giggle. Because we would. I miss giggling with you, calling random hotels at 4 in the morning and singing Jingle Bell Rock. I miss the green moped..although not so much the 3 wrecks that gave me a scar on my knee.. Definately worth it. I adore you . Let's meet in the middle of the 4 hours that separate us. cev.