I miss your sweet giggle after small sentences containing something sort of funny that we ended up laughing about for approximately 5 or 8 minutes. Hello Hannah Watson. Or should I say goodbye? I must visit you soon in the state of Alabama... You're blabbing in the most delightful way about ten dollar pillows from Garden Ridge, "So those cover up the fact that we didn't make the bed spread long enough.." Yes, a couple of weeks ago, Han and I attempted to create a bedspread cover for her dorm bed. She trusted the lie I spilled out multiple times- claiming I was an expert sower. Yeah, I didn't even where to locate the on switch to where the bobbin was. It was quite a little mess, so we found other ways to finish the project and the end product seemed adorable and a perfect fit. But in the end, as she sits indian style on the floor parallel to the end of her tiny dormitory bed, she realized it was unreasonably SHORT. How depressing.
Well, so far I have written and finished a total of two songs and there are many a poem and short story that live in my journals- past and present- that are dedicated to that wonderful lady. She really is a great inspiration, from the way she moves to the sound of her bouncy laugh. The way she imitates the music playing as we drive down any given street in Little Rock, to the way she reads the book of Proverbs, Ephesians, or Revelation. She just has this art to her, almost a special species she creates with every breath through those lungs. I am ever so filled with pride to call her my best friend. Sweet girl. Can't get enough time with her.
But hey, we'll create something soon- I'm sure of it. Whether it be a mess of a milkshake, or a decoupaged duvet. It will be great and it WILL happen.
You are the icing, and yes- you want one.
A hopeful girl, Charity