PLEASE! follow me. :)
I just decided it was time... So here is the beginning of another.
A hopeful girl,
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Monday, August 30, 2010
From grapes to boots - the air is Indie

Sitting in a rather laid-back coffee cafe, that'd be me. Decorated by deteriorated walls and vintage newspapers, I'm in the midst. Doing what exactly? Blogging. Life these days, what can I say?
well- i feel like writing a song at this moment.
i need to work on the art of co-writing, or maybe the art of convincing yourself there is no art- just go for it.
Bobby is almost done with work---YAY!
I'll write something important soon. yes.
A hopeful girl,
Monday, August 23, 2010
As I sit Indian style in the corner of my room, behind my much-played keyboard, I can't stop thinking about this next trip to NASHVILLE! I love Nashville like .. like .... KIM LOVES AUSTIN! AND, that my friends, is a lot. So, I'm brainstorming colorful outfits, and gorilla glueing my favorite shoes together (just can't let them go!) -- all to prepare for my boy's music video! I am going to be the main girl and I'm ever so excited! So I'll put on my skinny jeans (pop/punk ; power/pop band) and color my roots! Friday I'll take on a six hour road trip, my first by myself (can't wait). I should probably clean my room... hah.
WELL here is a cute picture of one of my favorite little lady's--Avery.
WELL here is a cute picture of one of my favorite little lady's--Avery.

Thursday, August 12, 2010
She's gone and her voice is going hoarse.
I miss your sweet giggle after small sentences containing something sort of funny that we ended up laughing about for approximately 5 or 8 minutes. Hello Hannah Watson. Or should I say goodbye? I must visit you soon in the state of Alabama... You're blabbing in the most delightful way about ten dollar pillows from Garden Ridge, "So those cover up the fact that we didn't make the bed spread long enough.." Yes, a couple of weeks ago, Han and I attempted to create a bedspread cover for her dorm bed. She trusted the lie I spilled out multiple times- claiming I was an expert sower. Yeah, I didn't even where to locate the on switch to where the bobbin was. It was quite a little mess, so we found other ways to finish the project and the end product seemed adorable and a perfect fit. But in the end, as she sits indian style on the floor parallel to the end of her tiny dormitory bed, she realized it was unreasonably SHORT. How depressing.
Well, so far I have written and finished a total of two songs and there are many a poem and short story that live in my journals- past and present- that are dedicated to that wonderful lady. She really is a great inspiration, from the way she moves to the sound of her bouncy laugh. The way she imitates the music playing as we drive down any given street in Little Rock, to the way she reads the book of Proverbs, Ephesians, or Revelation. She just has this art to her, almost a special species she creates with every breath through those lungs. I am ever so filled with pride to call her my best friend. Sweet girl. Can't get enough time with her.
But hey, we'll create something soon- I'm sure of it. Whether it be a mess of a milkshake, or a decoupaged duvet. It will be great and it WILL happen.
You are the icing, and yes- you want one.
A hopeful girl, Charity
Friday, August 6, 2010
Getting ready!
Practice! Practice! Practice!
Friday before Sunday, just woke up and I'm a bouncy mess of excitement, with only one sip of coffee. Two more days, including this one, until I shake the hands of pop/punk band 'Boys like Girls'. I can't believe I'm getting the opportunity to open for them. So many moments have been made real through the high chorus of 'Great Escape' and the rushing result of wind because the roof is down. My car loves to push play to that band, and it's pretty exciting revving up the crowd to listen, with sentences like," EVERYBODYYY!! Are you ready for BOYYSS LIKKE GIRLSS?"
Well, that's enough all caps for one day. Have a good one and leave a comment so I know I'm not just repeating your name over the Walmart intercom and you happened to leave 15 minutes earlier.
A hopeful girl,
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Chaotic days with a Side of Peace of Mind:
Lately has been quite chaotic... and it seems I'm not the only one with that mentality/reality. Waking up isn't the simple act of brushing the covers off your legs and standing up with a slight stretch of the arms. It's thinking, "I've got so much to do today, and half of the people I need to talk to won't return my call!" It's a waste, those thoughts that are pessimistic and can't change anything, but sometimes I feel they must happen. I should change that, and exit those thoughts from existing-- From now on, no more waking up with worry, I will wake up, breathe, smile and love.
As I look around, everyone seems a little worried about their future. I can't say I'm not worried about mine. None the less, I will write my songs and sing my heart out. But just as B always says, "Nothing is for sure until it happens." Which, as unfortunate as that is, it's the truth. In the business (yes, business) I have chosen, people are often flaky and sometimes lie about their careers or connections. And that's okay, because it just happens, as long as I am not one associated with them or hearing their lies. I have been fortunate to be (over all) working with people that do have my best in mind, and do truly care about music rather the money. Opportunities are definately in grasp, and I'm constantly thanking God for them. We will see where He takes me...I am willing and ready to do whatever He has. I'd rather be in His will, even if what He has is different and I don't see the whole picture, then on my own, not in control and completely confused. Following what Christ wants for my life is difficult a lot of the time, because I want everything when I want it. And even though I know His timing is perfect, I still argue and throw pathetic fits. He is sovereign, and I know He will take care of me.
I wrote a new song yesterday. I have been practicing classical music on the piano. Oh, and at this moment, my hair is being colored platinum blonde, as per usual. Did I mention the color on my head is BLUE? It's kind of fantastic, although I'd die if someone I knew walked through the front door and saw me in this state.
I hope all of whoever is reading has the best day. I really do mean that too! Today is beautiful, quite hot and humid, but hey, it's Arkansas- in the summer! What else should we Arkansans expect?
A hopeful girl,
As I look around, everyone seems a little worried about their future. I can't say I'm not worried about mine. None the less, I will write my songs and sing my heart out. But just as B always says, "Nothing is for sure until it happens." Which, as unfortunate as that is, it's the truth. In the business (yes, business) I have chosen, people are often flaky and sometimes lie about their careers or connections. And that's okay, because it just happens, as long as I am not one associated with them or hearing their lies. I have been fortunate to be (over all) working with people that do have my best in mind, and do truly care about music rather the money. Opportunities are definately in grasp, and I'm constantly thanking God for them. We will see where He takes me...I am willing and ready to do whatever He has. I'd rather be in His will, even if what He has is different and I don't see the whole picture, then on my own, not in control and completely confused. Following what Christ wants for my life is difficult a lot of the time, because I want everything when I want it. And even though I know His timing is perfect, I still argue and throw pathetic fits. He is sovereign, and I know He will take care of me.
I hope all of whoever is reading has the best day. I really do mean that too! Today is beautiful, quite hot and humid, but hey, it's Arkansas- in the summer! What else should we Arkansans expect?
A hopeful girl,
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
What is trust? I think I give it to a lot of people and don't even know that I am. It's just an unconscious act I do, and I guess the reason would be that fact that I haven't been badly bruised by someone abusing my trust. It's pretty vital to have between people.
I want to make a lot of things habit in my life.
For instance:
-Constantly re-evaluating where my eyes are.. are they on me? Because if so, none of my true goals in life will be fulfilled because I'll be too worried if everyone likes me, or if there's something on my face.
-Am I extended true love and grace to others? Pure love (definition 1 Cor. 13) is rare to attain, but life is so much sweeter when I stop acting jealous, or in-patient, and just listen and breathe. True grace's best example is Christ, and I just need to learn daily what it means to forgive and forget. He says he cast our sin as far as the east is to the west.. and He tells me to strive to be in Him and become more like Him. Am I tossing my hurts from other people as far as the east is to the west? Or am I clutching onto them, ready to throw it at them adding tears and built up pain since the action was first committed. I don't want to be held back in life by things I can't over. Give me your eyes and let me forget. Let me love.
-Am I really giving you everything? When I try and hold onto certain parts of my life, everything starts to spiral downwards. Because I am in control. And what do I know? I don't know what is best for me. You are the one who created me and loves me more than the clouds gently floating throughout throughout an overcast day. You breathed my breathe in me... I want you to have every part of my life, because you are good, you are righteous, and you know best.
i love you Lord.
I want your true love -- because that will never fail.
4Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 5It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 6Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 7It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.
8Love never fails.
I want to make a lot of things habit in my life.
For instance:
-Constantly re-evaluating where my eyes are.. are they on me? Because if so, none of my true goals in life will be fulfilled because I'll be too worried if everyone likes me, or if there's something on my face.
-Am I extended true love and grace to others? Pure love (definition 1 Cor. 13) is rare to attain, but life is so much sweeter when I stop acting jealous, or in-patient, and just listen and breathe. True grace's best example is Christ, and I just need to learn daily what it means to forgive and forget. He says he cast our sin as far as the east is to the west.. and He tells me to strive to be in Him and become more like Him. Am I tossing my hurts from other people as far as the east is to the west? Or am I clutching onto them, ready to throw it at them adding tears and built up pain since the action was first committed. I don't want to be held back in life by things I can't over. Give me your eyes and let me forget. Let me love.
-Am I really giving you everything? When I try and hold onto certain parts of my life, everything starts to spiral downwards. Because I am in control. And what do I know? I don't know what is best for me. You are the one who created me and loves me more than the clouds gently floating throughout throughout an overcast day. You breathed my breathe in me... I want you to have every part of my life, because you are good, you are righteous, and you know best.
i love you Lord.
I want your true love -- because that will never fail.
4Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 5It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 6Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 7It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.
8Love never fails.
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