You have taken me by storm... Whether you know it or not your (so Conly would call it) soundtrack is playing and I see your smile in my mind too much when counting the moments we've shared. You are the plot,body,conclusion, of my monologue at the moment, and I am almost laughing at the typing of this paragraph. I can't believe I am professing my "love" ( more likely infatuation ) with you over this...
When I think about when we met, I don't remeber if we shared a hug, had awkward moments, spoke smalltalk discussing weather, caught eachothers eye too often.. but I do remember and think it will be hard to forget your smile and adorable slightly awkard laugh. You used your laugh to fill the air in between words. You didn't have to. I caught your eye on me and you didn't have to look away. You probably don't feel or remeber what I felt and can't forget. But at least I have gotten a song or two and an okay blog out of it. Maybe one day the time will be less stressful, we'll live in the same city, you'll teach me guitar, and we won't have to write songs with bridges about how it didn't work. Maybe one day, my sudo Taylor Swift song can have a happy ending.
Have a blessed day to whoever is reading my adorably pathetic blog. Off to class, cev.
I don't think you're pathetic! Please keep writing! I stalk you.