You know when you miss someone? And with every song that plays, you claim it a favorite and remember listening to it in the car with them, or that it’s number 3 on the CD they gave you… and you can’t decide whether it’s a good thing that every word describes your life. Is it better? Better that now you always think of them? Sometimes you just want to listen to a good song without seeing certain eyes and lips create words. Right now I think I think I’d be fine if their face didn’t scroll across the screen in my head in perfect rhythm of every song. Really. Yes, I’d be fine… I guess I’m convincing myself as I type this, but it seems this is the best thing. Letting go isn’t as hard as I make it. We were never all together in the first place… If only the strings of my heart were visible, tangible then I could see them, then I cut the ones that lead to you. Then I could hear my favorite Iron and Wine song, breathe, and smile.

Conclusion to this paragraph is Iron and Wine- Naked as We Came
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